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Ceed test Screen

The link is mentioned at the end of the blog.

Being mentally prepared for the exam is very important. As we know, CEED The Common Entrance Examination for Design, a joint entrance exam for post-graduate studies in the field of technological design is an online computer-based examination and it is not until the last date before the exam, that CEED provides a mock test web portal for aspirants.

Last year when I was preparing for CEED, I had never an experienced the online examination, and I had so many questions related to the exam like,

  • How the questions will appear on the screen?

  • Is there a navigation process that we are supposed to follow?

  • How will I be able to switch to various sections of the paper quickly to save time?

  • How can I change my answer, if I have already answered the question?

  • Is there a way to check how many questions have been answered?

There may be various other doubts as well that people face before attempting the examination for the first time. If the aspirant is familiar with the structure of the exam beforehand, it will help him to be mentally prepared for the exam. In solution to that, After a bit of finding I figured out a prototype which the same as the CEED Exam screen and navigation.

All the best.



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