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IIT-Bombay DAT Question And Solution 2020-2021

IIT Hyderabad Long DAT, Short DAT Question Paper 2019-2020

IIT Mumbai, (IDC)

DAT Question 2020-2021, All Department Question Collection

Communication Design Questions

1.What are your professional and research interest ? (500 Character)

2. Briefly mention your extra-curricular activities and spare time interests: (500 Character)

DAT Question

1. Design a poster with the following title:

I want to be a communication designer because...

The poster has to communicate visually. Do not use any text other than the title. Specifications- Size of the poster: A3 (297 mm x 420 mm)

Orientation: Portrait

Instructions : Articulate the concept used in the poster.

(maximum 300 words, English) File format : PDF Maximum Size: 3MB.

Task: 2 Select any one design artefact which you consider as a bad design. Write a critique of it in your own words.

(maximum 200 words, English) File format : PDF Maximum Size: 3MB


Download_Communication Design_IIT-B_DAT_Solution_2020_2021_pdf

*Disclaimer: The answer attached below is not a standard answer, this is my way to approach these questions, you might have a completely different approach and that is completely appreciative.*


Interaction Design Questions

1. Tell us why you are applying to the Interaction Design discipline ? (500 Character)

2. How will the M.Des. contribute to your future plans ? (500 Character)

3. Describe one meaningful achievement of yours and how has it shaped you ? (500 Character)

DAT Question

Task: 1 Narlikar in his story, "The Rare Idol of Ganesha" [ ] combines physics, cricket and Indian mythology to explore the consequences of a mirror-symmetric individual. Imagine a world where this is possible. Discuss through sketches, the implications for design in such a world while providing examples.

(Max 4 A4 pages). File format : PDF Maximum Size: 3MB

Task: 2 An organization wishes to examine, how senior citizens type in regional languages on mobile phones. You have been asked to conduct this research. Write a proposal detailing your plan to conduct this research. Your plan should contain a brief literature review, along with your strategies to collect, analyse and validate data.

(Max 1500 words). File format : PDF Maximum Size: 3MB PDF Maximum Size: 3MB

Task: 3

Read the article [ strange-benefits-of-living-in-a-total- surveillance-state ] . Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the author, and present your perspective through arguments while providing reasons/evidence to support your view. (Max 1000 words). File format : PDF Maximum Size: 3MB



Industrial Design Questions

1.Why would you like to become animator? (500 Character)

2. What are your professional and research interest? (500 Character)

DAT Question

Task: 1

Select a product used for animals/birds that you have personally come across/observed. a) Sketch the product, label the parts and explain. b) Critically analyse the product based on five important aspects.

File format: PDF Maximum Size: 3MB


Cotton Candy is a sweet fluffy, delicate, edible ball of spun sugar, mounted on a stick. It is often difficult to carry / handle Design a package to carry and protect the cotton candy using 'paper' as a material.

a) The size of paper required to make your design should not exceed that of two A4 sheets.

b) Suggest a creative concept to carry the Cotton Candy, for a special scenario.

c) Make an actual paper model for the above task. Take photographs of your model. Explain your concept, with supporting sketches and photographs, by composing them in an A3 sheet. File format: PDF Maximum Size: 3MB

Task: 3

Include three examples of works done by you as part of your portfolio. They could be products, prototypes or models etc.

File format: PDF Maximum Size: 3MB



Animation Design Questions

1.Why would you like to become animator? (500 Character)

2. What are your professional and research interest? (500 Character)

DAT Question

Task: 1

Cut out one article of your interest from a newspaper or magazine not exceeding 500 words and write a brief critique about it (within 100 words). Enclose the clipping also.

File format: PDF Maximum Size: 3MB

Task: 2

Select two different examples (of Animation Design) from India which you consider to be particularly good or bad. Write critical comments on each example (within 150 words for each example). Illustrate the examples in freehand using any medium (pencil, pen, poster colors, etc.).

File format: PDF Maximum Size: 3MB

Task: 3

Include three examples of the works done by you as part of your portfolio. They could be sketches, artworks, photographs, storyboards, etc.

File format: PDF Maximum Size: 3MB



Mobility & Vehicle Design Questions

1.Why would you like to become animator? (500 Character)

2. What are your professional and research interest? (500 Character)

DAT Question

Task: 1

Why would you like to become a Mobility and Vehicle Designer? you see yourself ten years from now?

File format: PDF Maximum Size: 3MB

Task: 2

How do you see Mobility and Vehicle Design in India shaping up in next ten years. File format: PDF Maximum Size: 3MB

Task: 3

Write a paragraph (100 words) on any upcoming research area of your interest in Mobility and Vehicle Design. File format: PDF Maximum Size: 3MB




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