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10 April 5:00PM (Six Legged Race)

"Always do your best," is advice we have all heard. Doing our best has always been a catchphrase that has been repeated throughout our lives, whether it was said by our parents, teachers, or sports coaches. Doing your best actually means what, though? And is it even feasible to consistently give your all?

Our wonderful team which includes Nandini, Govind, Ankita, Pouravi, and myself participated in the "Six-legged race!" which is conducted by a counseling club name Sunshine in the campus.

We started rehearsing for the game to overcome all the possible unprecedented problems we might face during the event and eventually we got the crack of the game.

It was 5:00 pm game suppose to start, we were standing on a white line waiting for the whistle to blow.

200-meter-long lane was allocated for running once the whistle had been blown.


Doing your best means taking full most of every moment and enjoying it to the fullest, and you may realise this potential in any circumstance you come across in life.

Finally, we reached first before anybody else, and while running one thing which helped a lot was practice.

Practice has given confidence to the team member with a very right approach.

If you are concerned that you may be performing better or not, you cannot give your maximum and endup like, chasing your tail like a dog!

Excited team member

There was three round for different group, our team named "Hot Wheels" were the one who reached first in the first round.

Though, we were not the winner of the event, since we gave as fullest as possible, we had nothing to regret, honestly we all enjoyed it a lot.

So, yes. "Always do your best," is not only a catchphrase, but also a very good way of looking at everything around us. even if we fail we feel satisfied at least from our end and help us to avoid anxiety, stress, and loneliness in long-term life.

You can again look into your pain points, and practice to overcome wherever you want reach.



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